Saturday, May 16, 2009

Not Dead Yet

I know that I whine about school in like every single post, but school has been hell lately... with only four weeks left (thank god!) all of my teachers are cramming in all these projects and tests. But I digress ... today was the last day of my F.I.T. class. It's bittersweet - I really enjoyed the class, but it'll be nice to have my Saturdays back. Anyway, Fred still hasn't shown me how to upload my pictures... but I guess its okay because I have been majorly slacking on my art lately. I worked a little on a painting of a birdbath in my yard that I started over Spring Break, but didn't get that far. I'm kind of starting to get a little panicked because I feel like I don't have a lot of substantial pieces to put in my portfolio. This summer I'm just gonna hole myself up in my room and paint myself into an art coma...